Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oncology Visit

So the next step in this process was to see the oncologist. Liked her a lot. She is going to use my case at the next tumor board because there is some rarity to my case -- guess that sort of makes me a celebrity! LOL

Looks like I will most likely have chemo over the course of 5 months and that it starts about a month after surgery. She reassured me that they have some great drugs in their arsenal to combat nausea and vomiting (I sure hope so!) and that I will lose my hair. The good part is that insurance will pick up the cost of my new "hair". Just ordered a couple of wigs and scarves to keep my little bald head warm. (Since I love scarves, I will probably be wearing those the most.)

The hardest part of all of this is all of the things that need to be taken care of prior to surgery. This is really the first time I dislike being single because there isn't a significant other to help with all the details...everyday there is something else I find that needs to be done. I am grateful that Teri is there and is helpful, but it isn't quite the same.

While I am very positive and have faith in God, I feel I need to say something for all my friends and relatives. Please pardon my abruptness...but, everyone needs to understand and not be afraid to admit that I may die from this. There...I said the "d" word. Yes, there are great new medicines -- but not for my type of cancer. Even if there were...they don't really know what the outcome will IS in God's hands. Like I said in an earlier post, I am OK with whatever the outcome.

Life throws us some funny curves. Remember to let the people you love KNOW that you love them and really take a look at your life. Is it the life you want to lead? If not, change it. Life is much too short and we just never know when that final bell will be rung.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Surgery Scheduled

Got the call today. Surgery is scheduled for September 29th. I go in the afternoon of the 28th to get injected with dye, then back the morning of the 29th for surgery. Will keep everyone posted.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Surgical Consult

Surreal. Finally received the complete core biopsy results.


In addition to that diagnosis, the cancer is triple negative. That means that it is not receptive to estrogen, progesterone, or HER2.

What all that means: it is a more agressive cancer and there isn't a targeted therapy for it.

Saw a surgeon today...meeting with an oncologist on Wednesday. Will be scheduled for surgery soon and will post a date as soon as I know. I will be getting a double-mastectomy with chemo to follow.

So...that is from the logical from the emotional side.... is pretty surreal. My faith is strong and I truly believe that whatever the is ok. While y'all pray for me, please also pray for my family -- that they have the strength and faith needed for the road ahead.