Pete picked me up at the hospital on Friday (10.1.10) while Teri and Isabella picked up some groceries. I have been pretty zoned-out on pain meds ever since -- falling asleep in the middle of everything (eating, typing, watching TV...literally everything!).
Pete headed home on was great having him here...I think Teri enjoyed it a well!
Big Blue (my new recliner) is working out well. Abby (the little one) barely leaves my side and Mollie checks on me frequently.
I am SO very thankful for Teri. She has been my gofer, chef, and laundress without complaint...maybe that's because I brought her one of the big water jugs from the hospital! LOL! Seriously, she has made this much easier for me and I am grateful.
Dealing with the drains has been pretty easy...helped by the post-surgical camisole with drain pockets. The right one seems to be more productive and isn't becoming clear as quickly as the left. Called the doctor today to confirm that is is.
Swelling and bruising sucks. Sometimes it feels as though my chest has a vibrating cell on it then I realize it is the fluids draining. Weird! Teri says the bruising is a lot better today. They are turning yellow so we know they are healing.
I actually showered yesterday and then went for a little adventure to the Post Office (had to mail some stuff to Pete that didn't want to ride with him in the and then to Walgreens (more pain meds...yeah!). It seems as though I have lots of energy...until I do something, then I am exhausted. So it is good I like to nap!
The swelling makes it feel as though the armholes of my camisole are cutting into my skin...but they are loose. Now that I am getting use to the feeling, I am realizing what it is and that it isn't actually my clothes. I do still have Teri checking to make sure though!
My oncologist had prescribed Gabapentin for nerve pain and, after I stopped taking it per directions, I can attest to the fact that it really works well!! I ended up taking one yesterday. If you, or someone you know, is facing a mastectomy, I highly recommend looking into it. The nerve firings are pretty weird and happen without warning. I had expected pain like from abdominal surgery but it isn't anything like that. I will try to figure out how to describe it and post later. For now, let's just say it is weird not having the skin and fascia connected to the muscles.
I am having my usual reaction to steri-strips on the incision (that would be a bad rash); however, the nice thing about all the nerves being cut is that I don't feel any itching from the rash (small miracles!) and hopefully the rash will be gone before the feeling returns!!
Feeling like it is time for a nap...more next time.
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